Saturday, May 3, 2014

Blog 8

               Are electronic cigarettes better? As my colleague, Lauren, comments about the issue of E-Cigs, she brought up an interesting subject about it's health. I found this an interesting topic as I have experienced this kind of problem ( where people would just smoke in front of me). Although, the article and my colleague states about the health issues-about how there isn't, or enough evidence about how safe this is. I believe it has to be safe, at least to the bare minimum that this kind of product would even be allowed to be sold. ( Deep down I believe it's about government conspiracies and money issues, but that's a different story)

               Another problem would be for those who may become addicted to smoking e-cigs.  "a liquid nicotine solution instead of burning tobacco" ( latino.foxnews 9). It is an addicting substance. With no, or little evidence that this product actually helps or not, while claiming it does shows that they're only after the money.

Friday, April 25, 2014


Nuclear Threats

In the world of politics, another test of Nuclear bombs by North Korea. While the United States of America have an alliance with their neighboring countries, Obama steps up and prepares to show his strength. Although, in the article "We don’t use our military might to impose these things on others, but we will not hesitate to use our military might to defend our allies and our way of life,"  I believe that this is what they want you to believe.

At the same time the government needs to show how we are powerful yet humble. Perhaps if we were willing to show our military strength to say we will take any actions to stop threats from happening. It will be a difficult thing to do, if North Korea thinks of it any other way, such as "Oh, America thinks they're stronger, so I will show my military strength and fight back."

 If there were for anything to happen, military strength has to be used in order to have some kind of counter measurement. Even though it's only been nothing but fighting and war, and yet they claim there can be another way to resole issues, it will always lead by to the strength of the military. That shows how corrupt the government--world is. At the same time I do not believe that is a bad idea but then again, the government will always be criticized  by whatever they do. There's always two sides to a story and it all depends on how you look at it.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Seeing is believing

Our Leaders Aren't Representing the Voices of America ( At least not mine )

Credits to Han Tran for writing this commentary.

I agree with Han to a certain extent about our Leaders representing the voice in America. The issue of the leaders being bribed is probably the largest problem. Some leaders are even caught for accepting bribes! Controlling the "leaders" , controls the debate on what will be talked about. If something can't be agreed on , then the topic or debates is dragged out as long as possible. It makes them look important to talk about the same issue over and over and coming to no conclusion.  It is quite sad where the money budget is cut (welfare) and where it is redirected to (leaders 'important' issues).

However, I do believe there are still honest leaders who do not take up these bribes and are actually trying to do something. It may sound like a fool's dream, but somebody has to believe in the system. 

Friday, March 28, 2014

Blog #5- Rant on

A topic that is controversial, but it bothers me. Gay marriages. So what? What about gay marriages?  Why does it matter if people of the same sex love each other. There's no difference between gay and straight love when it comes down to loving each other. If they love each other, let them be.

I believe if gay marriages were allowed, then the world would take a giant step forward. Although, it may not like much, but it will make an impact for sure, even if it's the slightest. It will allow people to stop being afraid of what people call a sin or "evil". Perhaps it may not be the right time, as change is always scary. But it's happening, slowly but surely. One state at a time until the world accepts it.

There are many reasons for why and why not. I will go over the one that bothers me the most on why it's not allowed. Family values. It's said that children needs a father and mother figure role, but what about those who are a single parent? Some families are raised without a mother or father and still raised successful children. There are people out there who are abusive in family matters, mother or father.  Kevin Durant, for example grew up without a father and still managed to be successful. I don't believe there has to be a father and a mother figure. As long as the parents love their children and can guide them. Gay people has the same rights as straight people in raising a family.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Blog #4

Obama Addresses the Limits of Using Power in Syria and Nigeria

                   In this article, Obama talks about using America's military powers as an assistance for global crisis.  Even though there are always bad and evil things happening, America may not always be there for a full on war support. However, America will be able to lend help, just not the fullest. 

 The author, Michael S. Schmidt intent was to show what is Obama's and America's role in these global crisis, such as the kidnapping in Nigeria. Their audience would be for everyone in the world who are paying attention to this issue. Mostly America and Nigeria as the main audience and other countries as minor audience. This article shows where America stands and how America will approach this problem.

I understand why Obama said that we can only support them to a certain extent. Sure, we have our own problems to worry about, but that doesn't mean we can't lend a hand. Other countries can lend a helping hand to, and if that happens then it can show the world can unite together. Rather than letting America take on the whole problem,  it's better if everyone can show support.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Government today

The Editorial Board from USATODAY, author of the article "50th anniversaries shame today's government: Our View" wrote an editorial about how today's government is not as good as it used to be. At first they explain about the great achievements that our past president, Lyndon Johnson have accomplished. "The achievements are even more impressive because they came amid the turmoil of assassinations, the Vietnam War and racial tensions."   Not only by mentioning the achievements, but also including the "turmoil(s)" that they had to overcome while still succeeding. To further their point of view, they address how our government fails miserably. "country will have to zero in on its core problems as it did 50 years ago, instead of squabbling over them or trying to wish them away."  The editorial listed why the government are currently failing and mentioned finance issues. Issues such as money focus and the second Great Depression. First, mentioning the government focuses on the wrong issues and does not finance for more of the important issues, for example education. It was emphasized that not we only escaped, but barely made it through. "The 9/11 attacks did that, all too briefly, and had the country not narrowly escaped a second Great Depression in 2008, smaller arguments would surely have been forgotten." The reason why the wording is important is because of the word narrow. If we had a great leader, then getting through any problems would be simple instead of barely making it. However, I do agree to a certain extent. It is understandable on why people would get upset about fiance issues. But who are they to please everyone when the crisis is out of control?  Until we get a leader, a good leader who can guide us out of our problems, I don't think we give enough credit. This is an audience for those who are in favor of our government to show all their flaws. While reasoning why those who are against the government should stay against the government.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Trusthworthy or not?

                                               How much do you trust the government?

Pan Pylas, who works for Associated Press wrote an article about the trust in government by the people.
In today's society, trust is not an easy privilege. Especially if you are working for the government. In the article "Distrust in government growing, survey finds" is of the government not being trusted. Perhaps you already knew that people do not trust the government, an interesting to read to find out how much they are distrusted! As high as 44% shown from surveys say students do not trust the government. Furthermore, the articles talks about the decreasing percentage of trust in not just from our government, but other important figures such as CEO(s) and other leaders around the world. While you wonder about these numbers dropping, the governments are thinking of a way regain our trust. Is it possible? To regain trust after each crisis ("JP Morgan Chase and Latin America's largest-ever bankruptcy"). We can only wait to find out what they are planning.