Thursday, February 6, 2014

Trusthworthy or not?

                                               How much do you trust the government?

Pan Pylas, who works for Associated Press wrote an article about the trust in government by the people.
In today's society, trust is not an easy privilege. Especially if you are working for the government. In the article "Distrust in government growing, survey finds" is of the government not being trusted. Perhaps you already knew that people do not trust the government, an interesting to read to find out how much they are distrusted! As high as 44% shown from surveys say students do not trust the government. Furthermore, the articles talks about the decreasing percentage of trust in not just from our government, but other important figures such as CEO(s) and other leaders around the world. While you wonder about these numbers dropping, the governments are thinking of a way regain our trust. Is it possible? To regain trust after each crisis ("JP Morgan Chase and Latin America's largest-ever bankruptcy"). We can only wait to find out what they are planning. 

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